What happens in a
ScrumKids class?
Children are split into different groups depending on their age, and will take part in a wide variety of fun activities based around a rugby theme. These activities will help to develop their motor skills, control, coordination and general fitness, and will hopefully help them develop a lifelong love of the game.
What happens if my child doesn't enjoy ScrumKids?
We are sure your little ones will love it! But having young children of our own, we understand that they don’t always enjoy every activity, however much we want them to! As you have booked for a half term, we suggest giving it a couple of sessions and, if they're still not engaged by then, speak to your session leader and we can work something out.
They’re not actually going to be scrumming, are they?
No. ScrumKids sessions are strictly non-contact. No tackles. No rucks. No scrums. No physical contact in the younger age groups at all. Older children will sometimes work in pairs and groups, but the contact is strictly limited to activities such as tagging and passing.
Do grown-ups stay for
the sessions?
Yes. We’re not insured to offer childcare services, so all ScrumKids must be accompanied by a responsible adult for the entire duration of each session. Especially in the younger groups, grownups play a vital part in encouraging their child’s confidence by taking part in simple throwing and catching exercises.
Do you offer a taster session?
No. In the past this is something we have offered, however we find it encourages children who are a little bit nervous to give up rather than try again. As above, after two or three sessions if your little still isn't enjoying themselves then speak to your session leader about your options.
Are sessions held indoors or outdoors?
We try to get outside wherever possible; this is because there is more space and more opportunities for a greater variety of games. Ofcourse during the winter months we look to be indoors however most of our venues have both options.